又到收費的時間,麻煩您在三月三十一日前,至408室找所學會總務 鍾欣倩繳費,原使用者300元;新申請者需多付押金500元,共800元 (押金將會在閣下退租時一併歸還),感謝你的配合! 另外,如果桌椅或相關設備有欠缺或損壞及想添購新設備者,麻煩請與陳鈺淳同學(r96228017@ntu.edu.tw) 聯絡。謝謝。
For anyone who uses the seats in 7th floor graduate students' room, it's time to charge for this semester expenses. Original users need to pay 300 NT dollars, and new applicants need to pay 800 NT dollars (300 NT dollars for all expenses and 500 NT dollars for deposit). Besides, we will refund the deposit when you no longer need the seat. Please charge before March 31st to Miss 鍾欣倩 in room 408. Moreover, if you have any broken facilities (ex: desks or chairs) that need to fix or you want to buy new ones, please connect to 陳鈺淳(r96228017@ntu.edu.tw). Thx !
所學會 Graduate Student Association